Maddie Day

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About the author

Maddie Day is a talented amateur chef and holds a PhD in linguistics from Indiana University. An Agatha Award-winning author, Maddie writes the Country Store Mysteries, the Cozy Capers Book Group Mysteries, the Cece Barton Mysteries, and the Dot and Amelia Mysteries featuring Amelia Earhart as a sleuthing sidekick.

As Edith Maxwell, she write the Local Foods Mysteries and the Quaker Midwife Mysteries, as well as award-winning short crime fiction.

Maddie/Edith has two grown sons and lives in an antique house north of Boston with her beau, a small organic garden, and a gentle cat. She blogs every weekday with the Wicked Authors and on the second and fourth Fridays at Mystery Lovers Kitchen. Look for her under both names on social media and on her web site.

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