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405 新型高速自動製氷機 氷ドンドン コンパクト レッド 405-imcn02 (レッド)

3.5 5つ星のうち3.5 256個の評価

ポイント: 146pt  (1%)  詳細はこちら
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通常13~14日以内に発送します。 在庫状況について
ブランド 405
モデル名 405-imcn02
商品の寸法 31.3奥行き x 22.2幅 x 32高さ cm
容量 0.7 キログラム
ワット数 100 W


  • 氷ドンドン コンパクト 6つのポイント
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2.9 2.9

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電源:AC100V 50/60Hz






405 新型高速自動製氷機 氷ドンドン コンパクト レッド 405-imcn02 (レッド)

405 新型高速自動製氷機 氷ドンドン コンパクト レッド 405-imcn02 (レッド)



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家電の中古 こんなモノかな
2 星
家電の中古 こんなモノかな

上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

色: レッドAmazonで購入
色: レッドAmazonで購入
色: レッドAmazonで購入
Sep. 2023 – 1 year after buying replacement

I had to throw out the old one due to excessive buildup of mold. I studied the makeup of the machine and found that the back of the top could be unscrewed so one could fully lift the top and expose the ice making parts—which is CRITICAL for cleaning.

My idea was, since I can clean a new one, I would be OK with it.

After one year, it just died. It was already becoming difficult to use because the drainage tube got clogged and could not be cleaned.

I think I will not buy another one of these.

December 2021 - Two and a half years after buying:

I have always been satisfied with the ice it makes and how fast it does the job, and while the noise is bothersome, it's not too much of an issue.

Cleaning, on the other hand, is a real issue.

After I left water in it for a 2- or 3-week period a while back, I started having bad mold issues. The "clean it by cycling through vinegar water" solution was laughably inadequate to fix this. Every few weeks, I would empty it out, scrub the tank and every part I could reach, run through a cleaning solution, and start using it again. It quickly acquired mold near the drain. While the ice seemed clean enough, it was clear that mold was everywhere inside.

I was about to throw it out and buy a different model with better access inside, but I figured that I had nothing to lose by trying to clean this one using extreme methods.

The problem is with the ice-making cup area, at the back of the top of the machine. That's the place that gets filthy. This ice maker is built so that you cannot get into there, not without disassembling the machine at least in part.

So I disassembled.

I drained the machine and let it dry for a few days. As I mention below, there is a small plastic drain gate over the water inlet at the bottom of the tank. Remove it. It serves no real purpose, and is just a reef on which mold can grow. It is attached by a drop of glue, it came off fairly easily for me.

Next, I took the machine down and set it on its back. At the base (bottom) of the machine, there are 10 screws. If you unscrew the ones in the rear up to the seam halfway into the case, then you can remove the back cover.

Looking from the bottom of the machine to the top cover, you can see four screws holding the top cover onto the machine. Remove those, and the top of the case comes off neatly—but watch out for the wires that stay connected to the top. You'll have to keep the top panel resting on something so as not to tear out the wiring.

With the back and top off, you can now access the whole water area where the ice is made. Mine was **filthy**. Disgusting. I attacked it with a toothbrush, but that can't get under the water-carrying cup that rotates. I found that a thin cleaning sponge or pad would slide under the water cup, and using a table knife, you could use it to scrub most everywhere else. It was particularly bad around the rotating bolt on the right side of the water cup, just sheets of mold there. I used cotton swabs to get into the water inlet/outlet ports. I sucked water up a straw and blew it out through the outlet at the top so it would clean and pour the results into the bottom of the water tray. I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed. After I was finished, I plugged it in and ran water through the pipes and tried to flush out any remaining mold or particles of anything. I finally got it as perfectly clean as possible.

Right now, it's sitting drying out again. I will screw the case on again (I'm considering leaving the top unscrewed-in, maybe just tape it on at the back), leave the innards to settle for a few more days, and then I'll try it again after running several cycles of vinegar water and then clean water.

However, I might have to do this super-vigorous cleaning routine every year if I want to avoid it getting that bad again!

You should know that you *can* access the whole of the mechanism by taking out no more than 10-12 screws, but it is a bit of a task to do the actual cleaning.

Note that I am not taking off stars—it get 5 stars for what it is: a cheap-o ice maker. It is not supposed to be high-quality and immune from mold, it's just supposed to make ice for a few years. At about $170, so far, after 30 months, it has averaged out to $6 (¥650) a month to get as much ice as I want. If I can get even one more year out of it, that's $4 (¥465) a month. And I don't have to go to the convenience store every few days and pay a buck for a kilo of frozen water.


June 20, 2020 - One year after buying it, it's time to return and make a report.

The product is still running as it did the day I got it, still chugging away. It makes ice. And it does so pretty well. I will strongly recommend this as a longer-term investment, so long as you have the will to keep it cleaned. That said, here are a few notes on the machine.

1. Cleaning is important. Mold WILL grow. If you can drain and clean with paper towels and cotton swabs once a week from the start, and do the vinegar thing once every month or two, you'll probably maintain a really good level of cleanliness for quite some time.

I left the machine dormant, with water in it, for a few weeks at one point, and I think that's what helped mold growth. I tried to clean the machine, but found mold re-growing way too soon.

The problem: the drain gate. The little slanted/cube thing over the water intake at the bottom right of the tank. It's a design flaw. There is no need for it, and it harms the ability to keep the thing clean. The grate is nearly useless, there's nothing bigger than the grate holes that exists in the water (hopefully!), so really it's not doing anything. It is, in fact, it is a mold trap. Mold grows on and inside and under it, and the grate prevents you from cleaning it.

Fortunately, it is attached only by a drip of glue on the inside. If you can remove the drain gate without breaking anything, then DO IT. Clean the grate and the area below it when you clean the machine. Use a clean cotton swab to gently reach into the intake, turning and wiping it inside until no mold comes away with the swab. Same thing for the reachable part of the water drain.

These actions help maintain the cleanliness of the device in important ways. Even after the mold getting pretty bad, I was able to restore it enough to be confident that the ice is clean.

2. Functionality: the device works best with cold water. Before you add water, try to chill/refrigerate it first. If you do so, then the ice comes out full-size and much more usable. If you fill the tank with room-temp water, the first several batches of ice are undersized and not very usable. As the ice catcher fills, the ice begins to melt, which chills the water in the tank and help give you better-sized ice in kind of a cycle.

The catch basket works, but you have to re-arrange the ice. It will form a slope which will grow and block the infrared sensor that tells the basket is full—but because of the slope, the basket is only half-full. You have to use the scoop to push the slop to the front of the basket, a few times, so the basket can get full.


This machine works really well to provide at least a few people enough ice to use more or less continuously. For one person, it's more than enough. I have it in my home office atop a mini-fridge so I can enjoy cold drinks anytime. Works like a charm. I am upgrading my rating from 4 to 5 stars; for a ¥20,000 purchase, this is well worth it over time.


June 26 2019 - The product arrived today. I was worried when the box it came in looked re-used, and the contents were a little wrinkled. However, the machine works like it is supposed to. The ice "bullet" sizes are as advertised. The drain, which must be used often, has a useful hose with a switch at the end to open and close, so you can drain it easily anywhere.

So far, the worst point is the noise. The machine makes 60dB of noise, which is loud. It almost sounds as loud as a washing machine. It sounds similar to a kitchen stove fan at high speed. Every time ice is produced, the sound stop, there is a release of water, drum-like noises when the ice falls and is moved, then more water noises.

This unit is not good in a small or quiet room. If you use it in a room where you want to listen to something live music or a TV, you should use headphones. You certainly do not want to keep it on all night.

Some buyers may not be aware that the ice machine does not keep the ice frozen. Once the ice goes into the tray, it will be wet and will start to melt, although that happens fairly slowly. The water supply is right below the tray, so any ice that melts will be re-used.

The ice is not very cold; it will melt quickly and easily in a drink. A good strategy is to make the ice when you don't need it, put it into a plastic bag, and then put it into a freezer so it will freeze hard. The ice pellets will freeze together, so you will have to hit the ice to break it apart. In my case, I have a mini-fridge with a freezer shelf, which I keep in a home office. The ice maker sits on top of the mini-fridge.

I will add to this review if there are any developments.


EDIT - July 13, 2019 - Almost three weeks later, still running strong. A few notes:

When you first start the machine with lukewarm water, the first batch of ice is undersized. The second is almost full size, but it takes until the third to get full sized. Start with cold water, it gets full sized much more quickly.

The small setting advertises 20mm width, which I was counting on because I use bottled water and like to put ice in the bottle. 20mm is just inside the size of the bottle neck. However, the ice "bullets" tend to flare our near the base, making them a bit bigger at one end.

The biggest problem with the unit is that the draining hole and hose are too small. If I open the tap at the end of the hose, it can take a full minute before water starts to come out, and draining the water takes much longer than you would want. That cannot be correct, unfortunately.

One other complaint would be the lack of direction as to how often one should drain and clean, and how. Should vinegar or some other cleaning agent be used, or not? How likely is mold to develop within the system, and how can one clean to avoid it?

Still, for the first three weeks, so far so good.
色: レッドAmazonで購入
色: レッドAmazonで購入



氷がないのに「Ice full」ランプが点灯し、氷ができない場合はセンサーの汚れが原因の可能性があります。
色: レッドAmazonで購入
5つ星のうち2.0 家電の中古 こんなモノかな
カスタマー画像 カスタマー画像
色: レッドAmazonで購入
色: レッドAmazonで購入