Anthony T. Hincks

About the author

My name is Anthony T. Hincks and my author pen name is Anthony Hawes. Due to a mix up, Anthony Hawes appears as my real name and Anthony T. Hincks as a pen name. It's called, technology. If you have seen the Anthony Hawes page, then you already know all about me. I'm married with a daughter. I am now sixty-one years old and have published around thirteen books or so. (I never keep track) My books include crime novels, OHS approach book, children's stories, short stories using English irregular verbs and quote books. But, I am more widely known for my quotes which are all around the globe. They are in every media that there is and I am surprised that that has occurred within the last four years or there about. They are alongside many of the world's famous people and it is very humbling at times to be included with such names. They appear in many articles and publications which also includes law journals. In 2021 I was even included in a calendar which also included, HRH. Queen Elizabeth of England. That was a very great honor. I have already been called, famous, distinguished, a quotemaster and a master word smith around the world. So have a look at my books and at my quotes and you might be very surprised. I call myself a 'Raw Writer' because I write from the heart. Sometimes I make mistakes, which everyone does, but I don't mind because that's me. One day I guess that I will have a publisher approach me and take me under their wing, but until that day, I write as I do. I hope you find my books okay and quotes okay, but if you don't. Well, that's life. All the best. Anthony T. Hincks

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