Peter Benton

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About the author

"If you dive into these pages, make sure you find your way back out again."


transl. Heavenly Gates or

Cavernous Doors, whichever you prefer.

The author did not heed that advice when he unsuspectingly lost himself in the chapters of The Laporte Caves posted a few years back by an anonymous writer in an online forum. Little did he know that he would find a gem in the rough in a genre he had never paid any attention to or even known that he could be interested in.

In the following two years, the author cut, honed, and set this diamond to sparkle in the colors he wanted to see, to expand the story into what he would have liked to have read even more.

Perhaps you have enjoyed The Power by Naomi Alderman. If you did, this one might provide a more intimate perspective on the theme.

The author known here as Peter Benton had left his mark mainly in a walk of life other than writing sexy novels and determined that the twain shall never cross.

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