Sondra Kraak

About the author

A native of Washington State, Sondra Kraak grew up playing in the rain, hammering Chopin at the piano, and running up and down the basketball court. After attending Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington, she moved to North Carolina to work for a small non-profit ministry. It was in the backroom of that office, amidst the clamor of copy machines and printers, that love blossomed. She married her mountain man in 2004, and they spent the first season of their marriage in New England where Sondra attended Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Now settled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, she works part-time at her church doing worship ministry. Life at home with her husband and children is full of Yahtzee, backyard football and baseball, read-aloud evenings, activities involving food, and magically multiplying loads of laundry. She writes historical romance set in the beautiful Pacific Northwest through which her passion and delight is to provide readers with stories that not only entertain but nourish the soul. Her debut novel, One Plus One Equals Trouble, was a previous ACFW Genesis semi-finalist and the winner of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference Foundation Women's Fiction Award.

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