Adam Marshall Dobrin

About the author

I'm a 39 year old computer engineer, one who has gone through some of the most abnormal situations imaginable. The road has been long, twisted, and insight yielding. The writing I have shared with you is the result of a sincere search for truth in the light of these experiences, these ideas have helped me to explain and understand what otherwise would have been incomprehensible. I also aspire to time travel and world saving. Having recently had the joy of bringing my first child into the world, I sincerely hope to assist in ensuring he inherits a happy and enjoyable one. In 2013, I was shown the literal event which is anthropomorphized as the Burning Bush in Exodus, and then much later in 2014: the hidden "Let there be light," that is eponymous. My blog, which contains a great many divine revelations is located at and Some comments from readers: "After having spent several weeks scrubbing throughout the work of Adam Marshall Dobrin, I must in good conscience admit that his proposal does connect, in depth and width, in a way that I am not exactly comfortable admitting. It connects throughout the holy scriptures, tales, personal accounts and historic records. It is, perhaps ironically, the very embodiment of Occam's razor." "I think I can ultimately thank you for dissuading me from somewhat harmful potential beliefs I've had so far, and leading me in a more scientific direction." "A mind opener."

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