Adolphus Writer

About the author

Adolphus Writer - (b. July 20, 1969) - His mother would have named him Tranquility Base, had he been born a girl. He escaped that fate, but was plagued by the nickname "Eagle" for most of his public school days. He attended several prestigious institutes of academic learning before the advent of the Internet and holds a doctorate in Theoretical Physics. After he graduated, Adolphus travelled to Europe, the Middle East, and Far East when those names still meant something. He picked up knowledge, experience, and an inordinate number of colds and flus while abroad. He found people to be the same the world over: motivated by their self-interest, full of blind spots, and divided mainly into idealists and pragmatists. After arriving back in the USA, he took a job in a large defense firm applying his creative and analytical skills to pressing problems to which his mother would have objected. He married Ninja Schreiber after she resigned her commission with the German Federal Defense forces and came to the United States to be with him. During the economic downturn spanning the first and second decades of the twenty-first century, his job was eliminated and he was terminated. He established Mandated Memoranda Publishing, LLC, as a way to support the lifestyle to which he and his family had become accustomed. He says they like to eat on a daily basis and stay debt–free.

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